Wednesday, October 3, 2012


busy posting day for me.. I’ll shut up after this.

Just had to say a couple things though.

Though I had sworn off the AvX stuff, I heard that the lated vs was funny so I picked it up. Pointless, but hilarious. I liked Captain America vs Cyclops and Squirrel Girl vs Pixie the best. Basically, the ones that didn’t involve any actual fighting :p

Action Comics - d’awww. this is like the sweetest page ever.


Swamp Thing and Animal Man - holy shit! awesome, shocking stuff. Um. Can’t say much more without spoiling stuff….

Stormwatch… *headdesk* I am crazy for continuing to read this, I know. But I love(d) the characters, and I keep hoping things will improve, and then there’s a glimmer of hope, then it crashes back down… Why does Milligan insist on having Apollo calling out his moves? WHY?? It’s cheesy and stupid. And why can’t they get an artist that can make it through an entire issue? And it’s been a year, can we get Jack to stop chatting with cities for a minute so he can do some parkour? (and his eyes are RED, dammit) Can we get Midnighter kicking someone’s head off, or ripping out a spine already? Ok, yeah, he cut off Skallox’s hand and snapped a guy’s neck, but for Midnighter, that’s nothing… these are the Authority characters, the book has a T+ rating, I want some serious, bloody violence, dammit. After the preview I was looking forward to at least a bar brawl, or if not that, tearing apart some serial killers… instead Midnighter gets one page of punching some random people in the street before getting punched in the face by Etrigan and is down for the count. However, Milligan gets ONE point for mocking the chin spike again, and another for making Apollo and Midnighter not be creepy anymore.

But what I really want is for Justin Jordan to steal Apollo and Midnighter away from Stormwatch and write a duo book with them. Based on Luther Strode, it’s pretty clear he would write an AWESOME Midnighter, he has a good ear for dialogue, he likes Wildstorm, and.. yeah. that’s what I want. Destroy Stormwatch, have the characters go their own separate ways for a while. Jack Hawksmoor, I have decided, shall be a noir detective going from city to city tracking down… um… a guy…. look, this is just off the top of my head, ok? and solving other crimes as he goes along. He’d be our tour guide for the DCU. Apollo and Midnighter just do what Midnighter wanted in the first place, they team up to fight scumbags, trying to make a finer world. Occasionally running afoul superheroes who don’t approve of their methods, and with a heavy dose of their personal lives. They should find a city that’s riddled with crime, but isn’t Gotham, and set up shop. I’ll have to think of what I’d want Angie to do, but I’m sure there’s something. Maybe she could go with Jack. Jenny goes with Apollo and Midnighter. (obviously)

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