Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Witcher 2

Just re-downloaded The Witcher 2 from, in anticipation of the ‘Enhanced Edition’ (and console version) being released on the 17th. Looking forward to playing it again and seeing the new stuff they added! I love this game, one of my all time favorites, and I love that they released all this new content for free. I pre-ordered it from back when it was first released to make sure the CDProjekt guys got the support they deserved, they’re one of the good game devs. Beautiful game with a rich story, where your choices have HUGE consequences on the game, and no trying to bleed you dry with DLC, all the new stuff is free, and they are anti-DRM.

I put off playing when they updated it with Dark Mode and such, cus I knew an Enhanced edition would be coming, so I will have lots to do. A little sad they nerfed the difficulty; I made it through on it’s original difficulty though, so, bragging rights I guess. And then, when Witcher 3 hits, I shall do a giant Witcher marathon to get the perfect import save games. :D

here’s one of the new cinematics:

If you haven’t played it, I highly recommend it. It hits on consoles on the 17th, so even if your computer isn’t up to it on the PC you can still play it!


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