Monday, December 28, 2015

Avengers Academy

The past little while i’ve been kinda obsessed with this stupid Avengers Academy game that’s coming out soonish, and I couldn’t figure out why. It’s this thing where all the Avengers have been de-aged to like high school students, and you level them up and make them interact with one another, and you can upgrade the school and whatnot. It’s pure  fluff as near as I can figure, but it looks cute. But it just dawned on me, it’s because it kinda makes a Sims game i played a while back kinda official. It’s not that this game looks especially good (not much to go on yet, really) it’s that i had fun with something similarish in the Sims.

In the Sims a while ago, I made the Avengers Mansion and I had like Iron Man and Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver and Thor and Cap  etc. and like Tony had this workshop underground where he made robots so Jarvis, Ultron and Vision that were robots since you could go over the cap that way. It quickly descended into pure absurdity. I gave Steve the ‘Technophobe’ trait, because he’s from the 40′s, right? and i didn’t want him using computers and stuff a lot. So he kept going down to Tony’s lab and trying to wreck his equipment and blowing things up, so they hated each other. I ended up having to lock him, and ONLY him, out of Tony’s lab. And Wanda was a witch, obv, and I gave her the ‘insane’ trait cus… obviously.  But that just made it so that  every time i turned my back on her for like 2 seconds she’d turn someone into a frog, but her magic skill wasn’t high enough yet to turn them BACK, so before long i had a whole mansion full of frog Avengers, except her, the robots and Janet (cus i made her a fairy, and they are immune) and it was completely ridiculous. I had to get Loki, who was living elsewhere in the city,  to turn everyone back because he was the only one with a high enough magic skill. First I tried simply inviting him over, hoping he’d just cast the charm himself, or taking them over to his place, but he’d just ignore their plight, and sometimes cast the reversal spell ON HIMSELF, while standing right infront of them, just to be a dick, i guess. So I had to switch back to his household (just him, a raven, and some cats. I had played a game earlier where it was him, Odin, Freyja and Thor, but he and Thor grew up and moved out, which is when i started the Avengers mansion. Though Verity lived across the street, and he had ghost Leah hanging around), and have him just invite them over and de-frog everyone. Then Tony died in a freak jetpack accident, because of course I gave him a jetpack, so I had ghost Iron Man hanging around for a while, until I got bored of that and got Loki to come over AGAIN and revive him, because he had a genie lamp. (though bizarrely i seem to have neglected to take screen caps of that) So in my game Loki ended up repeatedly saving the Avengers asses because they kept fucking up. Ah, it was a fun game. Maybe I should just dust that off instead. I could make the Sanctum Sanctorum and Doctor Strange so i could have a sane magician besides Loki hanging around to de-frog people (though I think i did eventually get Wanda’s skills high enough to reverse it, can’t remember for sure). Or maybe make the X-Mansion across the street.

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