Friday, June 26, 2015

Although it hasn't been said officially if skills are the same or different, would you be disappointed if they changed how skills in fallout 4 work? Some people say it wouldn't be a fallout game without the 1-100 style of skill leveling. I personally would be happy/interested to see a change in the traditional system, because although it worked, I thought from fallout 3 and new Vegas it could have been better.

I’m actually really surprised it’s taken this long for anybody to message me about this!

Nah, I wouldn’t mind, really. The 0-100 system does have its faults, and it’s a little simple. This video does a really good job of explaining a better system, and yesterday on my personal blog I made this post explaining my thoughts on how the ideas in this video could also expand on a challenge-based reward system

While I do like Fallout’s system as-is, I’m not a fan of how broad it is, and I don’t think removing skills and moving to this system would be simplifying it, so much as it would be streamlining it. If anything, it may actually become more complex and have greater depth, while being easier to approach.

I mean, think of it this way: instead of just raising your guns skill so you can use pistols better (which also make you better with rifles and shotguns and miniguns and everything else that uses the guns skill), you instead just take a perk that increases your skill with them. On top of that, if you complete challenges specifically with pistols, you get perks that improve your ability with them.

It’s a really happy medium between the Fallout system and the Elder Scrolls (and in particular, Skyrim) system. It would also make skills dynamic. AND, on top of that, it could phase out the super broad skills that do a lot of different things (i.e. “science”) and instead have different perks that affect different aspects of that skills (chemist-related perks, hacking-related perks, energy weapon-related crafting perks, etc.)

If perks are implemented in a dynamic way that allows them to stack, and they keep a healthy balance of skill-affecting perks (like “Commando”) and other general game-changing perks (like “Mysterious Stranger”), then this system could actually be a hell of a lot better for character building, and would make roleplaying easier and more fun, as well as making the game more replayable overall

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