Thursday, January 3, 2013

nachtflix: stfuconservatives: canadian-liberal: instaconservat...





I encourage you to find and watch this video on YouTube. It clearly explains the hypocrisy of Hollywood liberals. #together #killed #hollywood #people #nobama #obama #barackobama #follow #instaconservative #liberal #socialist #nra #progun #secondamendment

Wait why are these mass murders allowed to walk the streets? I assume by movies you are talking about documentaries because otherwise those people would never have existed. HOW DO YOU KILL SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T EXIST?!!??!!?!

And who the fuck did Jennifer Aniston ever kill, even in a movie? And Aziz Ansari? I defy you to show me a movie where Amy Poehler killed a person. Seriously.



You know what hypocrisy is? Calling your party pro-life but doing absolutely nothing to protect lives that exist already. Proposing, backing and passing legislation that kills people, and flat out refusing to back anything that would help others if it’s politically inconvenient.

Also I wanted to add that just because an actor ‘kills’ someone while playing a role, doesn’t mean they are endorsing violence. Movies have bad guys who kill lots of people, and the message of the film as a whole may very well be anti-violence, but actors are still needed to fill the roles of the villains. It doesn’t mean the actors agree with their character’s actions. Of course, some movies do celebrate violence, but I think they are relatively rare, if someone’s dying it’s usually at the hands of a villain who the heroes are trying to stop.

Somewhat related, The script for Kent is (finally) coming together and will be ready to be drawn soon. Lemme tell ya, it’s pretty fucking violent. We’ve got a child being shot through the neck, people being stabbed, etc. That doesn’t mean the story is celebrating violence. Sometimes with a story that has a message behind it, you have to show what you’re opposed to.

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