Monday, July 11, 2016

Unfortunately, my previous betta had some digestive problems,...

Unfortunately, my previous betta had some digestive problems, and passed away, and I got a new one, a lovely mustard gas super-delta. A friend of mine has dubbed him Cassidy.  So here are some pictures. the gray thing in the bottom of the one picture is the mirror i was using to get him to flare.

He’s a bit more shy than the late Nathaniel was, but he is very curious, and I’m happy to report that this one ALSO jumps into the little waterfall feature and just chills there, half submerged. So bizarre, apparently bettas in general like doing that. It goes against everything i’ve head about bettas about how they dislike current due to the long fins, but 2 in a row now, and both swim against a fairly strong current to jump right into the little stream.

I’d never actually seen a mustard gas (yellow bi-color)  for sale before, so had to get him, and though his body isn’t the most colorful, i think he’s gorgeous.

As for the tank, you can see that i’ve had a bit of an algae problem, it’s getting under control now though, I started dosing Flourish Excel and that seems to have helped a lot, and the algae is dying back. Some leaves are still gross looking, though, and i am going to have to scrub that rock in the middle clean.

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