Thursday, November 1, 2012

ravingnerd: The end of Midnighter. January’s solicits seem to...


The end of Midnighter. January’s solicits seem to suggest that Midnighter goes rogue. Does this make anyone else nervous?

Late reply, just saw it int he Stormwatch tag. But I’m actually kinda hoping he (and Apollo. Apollo’ll come to his senses, you know he will, DC would never split them up. The cover is just to get you to buy it) DO leave… as long as they have somewhere else to go. Look at the timing of this story, it’s right when a bunch of books are getting cancelled, and, this is the important bit, new ones are being launched. OK, it’s a long shot, I know. But I mean, we can hope for an Apollo and Midnighter book, right? :p I just think that, even if you ignore what happened in Wildstorm, they are not a good fit for Stormwatch in terms of their ideals. Midnighter is too much of a lone wolf, doesn’t trust the leadership, and is more concerned with people-based problems than the space based stuff Stormwatch deals with. He wants to stop people being bastards to eachother. and Apollo has flat out said he has real problems with Stormwatch’s strict policy of secrecy, he wants to be out in the open. So maybe they should leave and just do their own thing, or join a team that better fits their ideals.

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